Steamist Packages

Steamist Steam Showers offer the ultimate luxury experience. They are available from your local plumbing supply warehouses. You can find the closest authorized dealer to you on Find a Dealer page of Steamist site. You can also find Steamist Generators and accessories from many fine online specialty retailers and some not-so-specialty retailers like Amazon. Interested in the ultimate steam shower experience, add on the Total Sense Spa Package to your order.

Don’t know what generator you need? Get started by using our residential steam generator sizing guide.

Total Sense Spa Package

All Total Sense Generators are compatible with the Total Sense Spa Package for an additional $2,200. The Total Sense Spa package includes:

Infuse your steam experience with fragrant 100% undiluted essential oils to relax and soothe the body.


Brings chroma-therapy to bring about positive change to your physical or psychological condition.


Add the power of music to soothe, heal and invigorate. You play music in your steam shower from any Bluetooth enabled music player.

Looking for the best value available in steam? Check out the EliteSteam Packages.